Welcome to Rutgers University
By Karen Majewicz
Rutgers University-New Brunswick officially joined the BTAA-GIN in July 2022.
By Karen Majewicz
Rutgers University-New Brunswick officially joined the BTAA-GIN in July 2022.
By Karen Majewicz
We were recently able to incorporate a long-standing feature request into the BTAA Geoportal interface: multiple downloads per item.
By Karen Majewicz
Cecilia Smith, our program team member from the University of Chicago, led a team that received a successful $348,930 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) grant in April for the proposal “ Mapping Chicagoland .”
By Karen Majewicz
Our collection development efforts typically focus on geodata and maps that are created and held by institutions located in Big Ten states. However, we also make an effort to meet the research needs of users, particularly in response to current events. In the past, we sought out and added Covid-19 and racial equity resources.
By Karen Majewicz
Last year, the Diverse Collections Working Group assessed the diversity of our collections using a number of different metrics. One effort was around the topic of Language.
By Karen Majewicz
The month of February always features two big events in the GeoBlacklight community: Geo4LibCamp and the Winter Community Sprint.
By Karen Majewicz
OpenGeoMetadata is a collaborative initiative that began around the same time the GeoBlacklight application was developed(~2015). The primary goal has been to facilitate sharing metadata across institutions that have adopted GeoBlacklight. It uses GitHub as the sharing platform and includes metadata tools, best practices, and the GeoBlacklight schema documentation.
Geospatial Data Project Update July 2020
For Nebraska first contribution, we harvested over 100 new geospatial data records from NebraskaMap, the state's open data portal. There are many fun datasets and themes in this collection, including the Cowboy Trail and several types of wildlife (Antelope, Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Lions, and more).
We published our first of a series of Data Provider Interviews, posts designed to highlight local governments and institutions that offer open GIS data. In each interview, providers tell us about their missions and data resources.
This [https://geobtaa.github.io/gin/blog/2020/07/30/2020-07-dan-seidensticker/) from Madison, WI. He described his work in a public agency and how having their data available in other geoportals has saved him time while bringing more exposure to it.