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BTAA-GIN Geodata Collection Strategic Roadmap

The BTAA-GIN Program launched a new initiative in 2024 to collect, store, and distribute open geodata.

Follow our progress

  • Done
  • In progress
  • Not started

1. Set up storage & pilot workgroup (2024 Q1-Q2)

Pilot Workgroup

  • Establish the Geodata Collection Pilot Working Group.
  • Research existing geodata archiving practices across the BTAA region.
  • Create an initial set of test datasets.


  • Establish Amazon cloud storage (S3) accounts for data storage.
  • Develop techniques within GBL Admin for basic ingest of datasets.
  • Test adding sample datasets to Amazon S3.

Recruitment and staffing

  • Assess current team capabilities and identify gaps in skill or resources.
  • Draft job description Program and Outreach Coordinator.
  • Advertise the position.


  • Obtain official approval of the BTAA-GIN Geodata Collection Strategic Plan.
  • Create and publish a Geodata Collection Implementation Plan that expands on the Strategic Plan.

2. Develop Curation Plan and explore technology enhancements (2024 Q3-Q4)

Pilot Workgroup

  • Determine staging environment for sharing datasets
  • Select a broader range of sample data.
  • Add sample data to staging area.
  • Determine minimum metadata requirements.
  • Analyze and test new GBL Admin features for data management.
  • Integrate new sample data into the pilot.
  • Determine batch upload needs.
  • Sunset the pilot workgroup.


  • Set up staging area (Box).
  • Implement new GBL Admin features as needed for data management. (i.e. fixity checks, administrative metadata views).
  • Begin planning for how to incoportate batch ingest functionality in GBL Admin.
  • Redesign the Geoportal interface to improve discovery and access for the Geodata Collection on the development branch.

Recruitment and staffing

  • Continue process for interviewing for new position
  • Finalize the hiring process and onboard new hire

Curation Plan development

  • Identify the themes of geospatial data to be included in the collection.
  • Define curation criteria, including data selection, acquisition, and quality control.
  • Update the GeoBTAA Metadata Application Profile as needed.


  • Document the setup and configuration processes for S3 accounts and asset management tools.
  • Document pilot testing procedures and decisions.
  • Document and publish the curation plan.

3. Begin active curation and communication (2025 Q1-Q2)


  • Identify key stakeholders.
  • Develop communication strategies (frequency, channels, and content).
  • Prepare communication templates and materials.


  • Transition the updated Geoportal interface from the development branch to the live environment.
  • Implement batch ingest functionality in GBL Admin.

Active curation process

  • Establish curation cycles.
  • Implement data quality checks and validation processes.
  • Ingest and publish assets as identified in Communication and Curation Plans.

4. Outreach and evaluation (2025 Q3-Q4)


  • Create an outreach schedule for engaging with the community, including presentations at conferences.
  • Conduct educational sessions on data curation as webinars or workshops.
  • Design and distribute outreach materials to highlight the project's features and benefits.

Assessment and Feedback

  • Assess the project's impact on users and stakeholders.
  • Evaluate how well the curation plan functions.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Set up monitoring tools for the new systems.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the curation process, identifying areas for improvement or adjustment.

Continuous Improvement

  • Establish mechanisms for regularly updating the project based on stakeholder feedback and evolving requirements.
  • Plan for next phases of project expansion.